If you ever find yourself in Guadalajara, Mexico, go to the cockfights.
Now there are many things to enjoy in Guadalajara. They have horse races even though the horses may show up an hour late for the race. They have fine food along with tequila, Mexican beer and pulque..
i visited Guadalajara and Mexico City as a guest of the Mexican government some years ago when I wrote for the Phoenix Gazette and People Magazine. I much preferred Guadalajara over Mexico City. The difference is similar to the difference I see between Los Angeles and Albuquerque or Phoenix, which I much prefer.
The Mexican Consulate booked a spacious room for me at the Hotel Tapatio, with its cobblestone streets and individual bungalows. They assigned a tour guide and a driver named Alphonso to me. I had recently married and Alphonso, a romantic bachelor, fell in love with my wife.
Everywhere he drove us, even to the Governor's Palace, he had to pick flowers for her. He once almost got us arrested by illegally parking in front of the Governor's Palace while he stole flowers to fete my wife.

But I forgave Alphonso. He was nearsighted and drove a Volkswagen that the Mexican Government had given him. And he never showed up on time to take us where we wanted to go.
There were always legitimate excuses. he had been with friends and played his guitar, thereby drinking too much tequila. OOPS! He would oversleep. Sorry. But i will take you to some interesting places today, that i promise you, my Amigo.
One day he drove us to the cockfights. A good crowd was attending them and we found a good place to sit while we watched the tough roosters battle to the death.
Alphonso explained that the Government did not regulate the betting -- the people do.
'Let's say you wish to bet on the cock in the green box,' he said. 'You wish to bet 500 pesos so you raise your hand, point to the rooster in the green box, and shout out you bet. If someone wishes to accept your bet, they will nod at you. Once the fight is over, you either pay or collect. Nobody would think of welching on a bet.'
I decided to try wagering on the cocks. I liked the way the rooster in the red box strutted its stuff and offered to bet 500 pesos on him. A well-dressed gentleman immediately accepted my bet.
The fighting was ferocious and bloody, but my rooster triumphed. He paid me off and said he would like to match that bet by betting on the rooster in the green box.
''But Senior, it would have to be a bet of honor,' he said sadly. 'I have no more money. If I lose to you, I will simply have to pay you the next time i see you. Would you accept that?'
Why not? I smiled and said, 'I accept your bet.'
The roosters went at each other and when the battle ended, the one in the green box had won. i paid off the jubilant Mexican. We were even and the Bet of honor had been paid.
Author: Geno Lawrenzi Jr.
(Geno Lawrenzi Jr. is an international journalist, magazine author and ghostwriter and poker player who lives in Phoenx, AZ. He has published 2,000 articles in 50 magazines and 125 newspapers. If you want to share a gambling story or book idea with him, send an email to glawrenzi@gmail.com ).
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